I feel like in a world like this everyone can make their own decisions and have their own opinions. I strongly disagree that abortions shouldn’t be a law and should be abolished. In some cases people can not have the baby due to medical conditions which is serious and in some cases because their too young or don’t have money ect. Without abortions what would people do? They genuinely wouldn’t have an other option but have the baby or give it up for adoption. Either of those choices are definitely better then having an abortion in my opinion. Your simply giving it a chance to live and experience the world instead of removing it and not having a chance in the world at all. I feel as if abortions are too harsh to society and affect the mother as a whole. It is a very big responsibility to have that decision or option to pick right away. No woman should have to go through an abortion especially if they genuinely want the baby but have problems they cant help. Abortions should be abolished and give people a better option along with different resources to help them.